About Us
Repair PDX was formed in May 2013 to bring repair events to Portland residents.
Inspired by the Netherlands' Repair Cafés, our group of dedicated volunteers held Portland’s first Repair Café in May 2013.
Since that time, we’ve been holding repair events about once a month.
Repair Cafés: Free Events Where Volunteers Fix Broken Household Items
Repair Cafés are community events where volunteers fix people's broken household items for free. If you can carry it in, we will do our best to fix it! You can often get a bite to eat and a drink while meeting others from your community who are also interested in repair. We ask that folks stay with their item while it's being fixed, which is part of what creates such a wonderful, community feeling at our events. Experts are on hand to repair all sorts of items and even to teach you how to fix them yourself if you'd like.
Repair Café son eventos comunitarios donde los voluntarios reparan artículos de casa gratis para personas. Si usted trae algo, nosotros haremos lo mejor para repararlo! Usted puede agarrar al de comer y tomar mientras conoce a otros de su comunidad quienes también están interesados en reparar. Les pedimos a las personas que permanezcan con sus artículos mientras están siendo reparados, lo cual es parte de lo que crea tan maravilloso, el sentir de la comunidad en nuestros eventos. Los expertos están a la mano para reparar todo tipo de artículos e incluso para enseñarle cómo repararlo usted mismo si gusta.